I love to prepare numerous side dishes for festive dinners and usually determine what those will be when I’m at the market and have a chance to see what looks best. I try to choose side dishes that complement the main dish, complement each other and that don’t all need to be cooked at the last minute. In the best of all possible worlds, I like to prepare a few side dishes that can be made ahead of time and one or two that I can cook just before serving. The trick to these last- minute side dishes is to get all the prep done earlier in the day so that you can do the final steps without getting frazzled!
2 lb fresh spinach
2 tbsp good-quality olive oil
3 or 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Zest of 1 lemon, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Trim off stems and coarse leaves from spinach. Wash spinach in several changes of cold water (I do this in my largest stainless steel mixing bowl) until water is clear. Drain well. If leaves are quite large, cut them in half or coarsely chop. Set aside.
In large sauté pan, heat oil until hot. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for a minute or so. Then add lemon zest and continue stirring until garlic is just starting to turn golden; do not brown.
Add spinach (a handful or two at a time) and cook, stirring, until wilted. Spinach should be evenly coated with oil. Transfer to a serving platter and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or at room temperature.
Makes about 4 servings.