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December 17, 2007


jim white

Thanks, Guin White (no relation!) for your comment above... but it all depends on what the word "first" means.
I meant to use it to express the fact that the Hispanics were here in North America "first," meaning AHEAD OF THE WHITE EUROPEANS WHO CAME FROM THE UK.
You interpreted my usage in the broader context of "first" meaning "the auchtoctones" as the French would describe those who originated in a place. Which is NOT how I was intending to use it.
Point clarified?
Jim White


I'm a local Santa Fean and loved your write-up, but I have to disagree with you on one point.

"The irony of America’s contemporary issue with 11 million illegal immigrants, most of them Hispanic, is: they were here first!"

Actually, the Native Americans (in this area, Pueblo Indians, believed to be descended from the Anasazi) were here first.

When you visit Santa Fe again--and I hope you do, soon--please stop by the Institute of American Indian Arts Museum, the country's ONLY museum devoted solely to contemporary Native art and home to the 7000+ piece National Collection of Contemporary Native American Art. It's a gem that many locals and tourists alike miss -- odd, since it's located directly across from St. Francis Basilica Cathedral. While here, you'll likely see art work from T.C. Cannon, Fritz Scholder, Lloyd New, Alan Houser, Roxanne Swentzell and many other famous contemporary (and Native American) artists who came through IAIA.

Until then, be well.

-Guin White
Director of Membership
IAIA Museum
108 Cathedral Place
Santa Fe

Courtney Cochran

Jim - what a fabulous write-up on Santa Fe and all the new places to check out! It's long been a favorite of mine and your post makes me want to return ASAP. One thing you didn't mention is the famous flea market outside Santa Fe - it's literally a shopper's paradise for amazing jewelry, homewares, hats and all sorts of other goodies. Next time you'll have to check it!

Cheers, CC

Paul Katz


What about the Santacafe? [I expect to be in ABQ for a federal trial soon -- perhaps this spring.


bill deutsch, dba holy spirit espresso

a very big thanks and a nice hi to jim white and carol, respectively, for the write-up about my coffeeshop. there are nice people in this world of ours and you two are two of them. hey howdy!

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